Aboriginal Mental Health First Aid Workshop Tom Price

Tom Price Jobseekers attended an Aboriginal Mental Health Training Workshop offered by the National Wellbeing Alliance, along with some of the staff from AAC.

The workshop ran over a two-day period. The trainers spoke about ways you can assist when you are dealing with someone who is going through a mental health crisis, participants learned the steps to assisting and what not to do (ALGEE method).

The instructors for the training were Aboriginal Mental Health Workers which made for great first-hand knowledge and lived experience that made the workshop eye-opening. The intensive course provided great insight on how to handle a mental health crisis within the Indigenous community.

AAC staff received a lot of positive feedback and the workshop had a great turn out. Another workshop is being planned in the region. The mental health training will be a great opportunity for everyone to be equipped to handle a crisis within the community.

The Course is available to both indigenous and non-indigenous people and AAC encourages people to sign up. The workshop is offered to participants free of charge and covers topics including; Learn to Listen and Not Judge, Recognise Early Warning Signs, Support Your Community, Family and Friends, Get Access from Other Support Networks, Access Support from Professional Mental Health Services, and Support Someone Who is Going Through a Mental Health Crisis.


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