Tiffaney Daley Continues to Achieve Success


Hardworking job seeker Tiffaney Daley has been attending our Workshop activity at Harwell Employment Training Centre on a Voluntary basis.  Tiffaney has achieved so many goals she has set for herself. She is very independent and motivated to complete her tasks and stay focused on her Goal to gain employment. She recently received her drivers licence and is now working hard towards her next goals.

Tiffaney recently worked on a project to design and build a letterbox for her Grandmother. The results were excellent!

Tiffaney Daley builds a letter box

Tiffaney building her Grandmother’s letterbox

Using the laptop that she was donated, Tiffany is working on completing her online training courses and checking emails from AAC & Employers. With the support of the team at AAC, she is currently applying for positions with Minprovise, Downer EDI, and Ash Maintenance.

The letterbox built and designed by Tiffaney

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