We were so excited to welcome our new truck at Containers for Change this month. She is an absolute stunner, and a loved part of the team already.
Equipped with all the bells and whistles, she will be jetting around the Pilbara completing many missions to collect as many containers as she can fit from sites as far away as Marble Bar to Karijini Eco Retreat, mine sites and community events.
We’ve been getting to know her, and in all the excitement, we have forgotten to name this beauty.
So, during the entire month of May, we are encouraging everyone near and far to suggest a suitable name for our gorgeous new truck. We’re hoping that many of you get on board and enter as many names as you can think of. We encourage you to put on your creative hats and get involved. At the end of May, we will put all our favourite names into a green bag, and draw a name that will suit this special lady.
Ok, so how do you enter your proposed name? When you attend any of our refund points in Marble Bar, Paraburdoo or Tom Price, you will get a chance to fill out a slip and pop it into a box. If you’re a little further away, and can’t come in, send us an email. Clearly label the subject line: Green Truck, and send your name suggestion to [email protected].
Not only will you have the honour of naming our gorgeous truck, the winning name will also win a green hamper full of goodies