MACS Australia (High-quality Construction, Maintenance and Multidisciplinary Services) are looking for 2 candidates – Casual Labourer immediate start Job available for next 7-14 days.
The job is installing classrooms South Hedland at Baler Primary School
Remove and relocate existing play equipment, remove and reinstall (nom) 14L/m of head pavers – 500mm wide for the installation of Pre-Primary Classroom. Include removal/disposal of haunching. Allow to remove 1200mm high fence from west side (front) of existing pre-primary. Fence is to be relocated to sides of existing and new pre-primaries to make an enclosed area. Supply and install 1 x 16mm three-phase cable. Service to be taken from nearest distribution board located at Learning Centre 1 Block and connected to underside of new building at SWB via new underground conduit and through roof space. Connect sewer to new transportable pre-primary classroom including 3 x pans, 1 x kitchen sink, 1 x SS trough, 2 x hand-basins. Sewer to be connected into the existing sewer.
Full Time hours – 10 hours per day – 6.00am – 4pm
· Immediate Start Available
· White Card
· Drug and Alcohol screen within last 28 days